An increase in physical activity uses up a lot of body energy. If you exercise frequently, you can supplement your diet with sports nutrition to make up for the energy you lose while exercising and get the desired outcome.

A nutritional supplement known as sports nutrition helps the body maintain a high level of performance during exercise and recover more quickly afterwards. They should, however, be used with caution due to potential negative effects.

Don’t use self-medication! We compile the most recent scientific information and viewpoints from reliable health professionals for our articles.

Which kind of sports nutrition are there?


The most prevalent type of sports nutrition is protein It produces hormones, including growth hormone, which aids in acquiring muscle mass, and is in charge of the growth and repair of muscle tissue. Adults should consume 1-1.3 g of protein for 1 kilogram of body weight each day. The values rise to 1.3 — 1.6 during intense exercise; the lower limit is advised for endurance sports while the greater limit is advised for strength sports.

Both meals and sports nutrition can provide you with protein. However, consuming too many protein mixtures puts a heavy burden on the liver and kidneys. Gout and issues with calcium loss, such as muscle soreness, cramps, or even osteoporosis, are risks associated with this. Dehydration and digestive issues are additional unfavorable effects. The body requires more fluid the more the kidneys are taxed.

You must multiply the weight by a specific coefficient to determine the exact amount of water you require. It equals 32 for low-intensity training, 25 for medium-intensity training, and 21 for high loads. A person has to drink 3.2 liters of liquid each day if they weigh 80 kg and exercise at a moderate intensity.

acid amino

Protein is made up of amino acids, often known as BCAAs. Despite making up one-third of the protein in muscles, they are not generated by the body. These amino acids are crucial in preventing muscle catabolism, which occurs when the body breaks down protein as a result of strenuous activity. They may also play a role in controlling the amount of the hormone leptin, which controls hunger and fullness, according to some findings.

Given that amino acids are present in diet, a healthy person does not need to use supplements containing them. It is best to pass the required tests and seek medical advice if you still wish to take such dietary supplements. A person who consumes more BCAAs than is recommended daily may have trouble absorbing other amino acids.

drugs that enhance the body’s functionality

They facilitate post-workout recovery more quickly and lessen muscle catabolism. Because it is the most efficient and secure substance, creatine is primarily used today. For sports like tennis or boxing that involve repetitive movements, preparations containing this chemical are advised. Diarrhea and a delayed water delivery to muscular tissue are side effects.

donor nitric oxide

The cells that line the inner surface of blood arteries create and release a chemical called nitric oxide, which causes the blood vessels to dilate. The blood flow to the muscles is improved as a result, and the athlete performs better. Although excessive usage of nitric oxide donors won’t result in excessive vasodilation, it can upset the nutritional balance and exacerbate oxidative stress.

boosters of testosterone

The primary anabolic hormone, testosterone, promotes the development of lean muscle mass. Additionally, its normal or slightly higher level benefits the immune system, mood, mental activity, heart and vascular health, and protects against osteoporosis.

These drugs must be taken exactly as your doctor has advised. Prior to using it, it’s crucial to pass tests, select a unique dose, and employ a certain method. Because they can inhibit the manufacturing of their own hormone, testosterone boosters are not recommended for young men under the age of 23, as well as for women. Your health is at risk if you take testosterone preparations improperly.

Burners of fat

These medicines are quite popular right now, especially with people who wish to reduce weight without making any changes to their daily routine or diet. They are also frequently utilized by people who started participating in sports solely to reduce weight quickly.

Caffeine, ephedrine, and green tea extract are the main components of fat-burning supplements. Additionally, microorganisms, poisonous chemicals, and heavy metal salts may be present in drugs.

Scientific research supports the medications’ transient effectiveness. They increase the sympathetic nervous system’s activity and adrenaline production, which causes the body to expend more energy.

Increased heart rate, cardiac arrhythmias, mental disorders, insomnia, anxiety, headache, and gastrointestinal issues are among side effects of fat burners.

Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids and fish oil

While providing energy to the body, these chemicals do not promote fat mass. They contribute to the synthesis of hormones like testosterone, improve the health of ligaments and the structural components of joints, and lessen post-workout soreness.

Among recent years, there has been discussion concerning the appropriateness of taking omega-3 supplements in scholarly communities. Each organ creates as much polyunsaturated fatty acid as it requires because the body makes them “on demand.” Additionally, because they are already oxidized at a temperature of only 4 degrees Celsius, they are not kept in reserve. Therefore, it makes more sense to obtain these ingredients from food products, such as mackerel, salmon, cod, herring, tuna, trout, walnuts, and linseed oil.